Let’s Play Gephi : Streaming API – The ‘hidden’ Websocket
Hi everyone, I know, I already talked about the Streaming module of Gephi here Gephi and the Streaming module . But I just discovered something by reading the code and by a little hint from André Panisson on the wiki Continuer la lecture Let’s Play Gephi : Streaming API – The ‘hidden’ Websocket
TGV et Ponctualité
Vendredi dernier, Paris Match à sortit une data viz en rapport avec les retards sur les trajets TGV. http://www.parismatch.com/Actu/Societe/DataMatch-les-TGV-sont-ils-a-l-heure-566415 Arrêtons donc de niaiser, reprenons les data sur le site open data de la sncf (qui est très cool d’ailleur) et Continuer la lecture TGV et Ponctualité
Cartographie des tags des jeux de données Etalab / Data.gouv
Pas mal de traitement pour corriger quelques glitch ou des tags « similaires » (singulier / pluriel , accent/sans-accent, tags sans réel valeur genre ‘données’, ‘type’, ‘jusque’ etc… ). Etalab devrait améliorer sa stratégie de données pour rajouter un minimum de qualité Continuer la lecture Cartographie des tags des jeux de données Etalab / Data.gouv
Internet Tube

This graph represent the map created recenlty by http://geography.oii.ox.ac.uk/ which represent the internet tube as a metro line. The « abstract representation » made here is conveignent because this simplification of the fiber-optic network makes very easy to quickly turn into a Continuer la lecture Internet Tube
Ishkur’s Guide to Electronic Music
Let’s Play Gephi : Bitcoin Transactions

Servus ! Just a quick post for some scripts that will allow you to visualise in real-time bitcoin transactions, thanks to https://blockchain.info/ web service. Prerequisites : Gephi with the Streaming Plugins Python installed You can download a version of the Continuer la lecture Let’s Play Gephi : Bitcoin Transactions
Let’s Play Gephi : Understand Degree, Weighted Degree & Betweeness centrality

Hello everybody, Today I’ll try to explain some classic notion when you are looking at your graph. The Degree and Weighted Degree are quite simple to understand and it’s almost the base of graph analysis. Betweeness centrality ask for some Continuer la lecture Let’s Play Gephi : Understand Degree, Weighted Degree & Betweeness centrality
Gephi and the Streaming module

As you may have remark if you follow me, I’m a big fan of Gephi with the streaming module. In this article, I want to share how it can be use « officially » (I mean, on the way it was designed Continuer la lecture Gephi and the Streaming module